Paya Indah Wetlands is located in Dengkil. Slightly further south from Cyberjaya. The horse riding facilities and tracks are for endurance competition standard. Definitely one of the best in Malaysia.

Horse carriage at display at the entrance.

There is a big arena for riding lessons.

Riders can comfortably ride in a group of 4-5 horses for an arena of this size.

The tack room where saddles are neatly organized.

The main stable that houses the horses in Paya Indah Wetlands.

Another stable at the back.

Basir – one of my favorite horses that trot and canter so softly.

Wet saddle cloths and saddle pads are getting some sunshine.

There is also a fridge that keep cold drinks and a small resting area next to the arena.

Trail ride at Paya Indah Wetlands
I went out to the trail with Pizu and Abeh in the morning.

Pizu on the left and Abeh on the right. Both are very good riders.

We have a yellow theme on that day.

The track is filled with greenery and it was so relaxing.

We could occasionally see a patrolling security guard in the track.

We took a slightly different route today and headed out to the Gamuda construction site.

Trotting on the construction site.

Of course, not to forget some photos along the way.

Crossing the road, we are going to Starbucks!

Ride thru Starbucks.

By the time we head back, the sun was already bright and high.

Passing through the bamboo farm.
There is a beautiful rumah Malayu along the way back.

Throughout the trail, there is also plenty of lake.

Very calming experience when riding along the lakes.

I used to ride here often about 6-7 years ago with MM2020. The operation was ceased and I have always wanted to come back here. I’m glad that Pizu and his team is operating the facilities here.
For more information, please contact Pizu at +60 12-777 4767.