Empayar Sunnah Archery and Riding Club (ESAR) is located in Bukit Beruntung, about 45KM north of KL city center.
Few shop lots are renovated to be the stable. The stable set up is pretty new. The stable is also surprisingly clean. Although not huge, the stable currently comfortably homed 4 horses for riding school and a few more horses for private owners.

The Horses
Some of the horses in Empayar Sunnah Archery and Riding Club stable.
I have been in contact with Boy before visiting, one of the founders in Empayar Sunnah Archery and Riding Club. Boy has a really tough look, but once he starts talking to you, you will agree that he is extremely friendly and chatty. I did not have a bored moment throughout my trail ride with Boy.
Boy introduced me to another partner running the stable, Muhammad. Muhammad is a Level 1 Coach. It is quiet rare to meet horse riding coach certified as Level 1 Coach in Malaysia. Being Level 1 certified is one of the more credible qualification for horse riding coaches. Muhammad definitely has the right skill set to run the stable.
Trail Ride @ Empayar Sunnah Archery and Riding Club
We head out to our trail ride at 8.45AM. Boy was riding Faraz. I was riding Lizaz, a very interesting horse that will start cantering very quickly. Here is the video from our trail ride:
There are a couple of very steep uphill slopes for us to canter up. The horses will automatically canter up when they see an uphill slope.

While we were walking, Boy kept me company by sharing his experience in this trail. He always has a big smile on his face.

Whenever there is uphill slope, there will be a downhill slope. This is one of the short downhill slope where the horses like to canter down.

Boy leads the way cantering on open ground!

Boy signals me to turn right on the junction.

We canter around the hill that we would go up later on. This section of the trail offers more greenery to cool the eyes.

Boy explaining each direction is which part of town around Bukit Beruntung. I have to say Boy is the best trail guide I have ever met so far.

Another view on top of the hill.

We slowly walk down the hill. Boy’s horse (Faraz) is a little afraid of going downhill. I got Lizaz to lead the way walking down.

We walk passed narrow path with little beautiful flowers on the sides.

There are also a lot of areas with green in the open ground. The morning sun made the photo looks more yellowish than it really is.

Vegetable Farm @ Bukit Beruntung
We slowly canter passed a vegetable farm.

We canter passed more farm path.

We walked into vegetable farm area to check out the farm up close.

Boy has experience farming before venturing into the world of equestrian. He is familiar with various plants. He was passionately explaining different type of plant to me.

We exit the farm after a short break from cantering.

Back into Trail
We get back into the green.

This is another place where we canter down. Cantering down is a really amazing experience. The horse moves really fast yet you do not really feel the bumpiness like when you canter on ground. It felt like you slide down through the slope with amazing speed.

We met some kids doing jungle trekking in the trail.

Boy shared with me some of his horses training experience while we walked out. He claimed the horses he trained does not require riders to use whip. The horses are really responsive to riders’ clue by just using body and legs.

Boy get back on Faraz after he came down picking up my whip. Thanks Boy!

On our way going out of the trail.

Boy explained to me the importance of going trail ride with the riders with equivalent riding level. If there is a greener rider in the group and the rest of the group is more seasoned, the greener rider might slow down the rest of the group. In this ride, although I only spent 45 minutes in the trail, I had plenty of satisfying canter time.

Here is an area that will be filled with half feet of water height during rainy season. Since this spot has rather flat ground, it is also safe to canter here. Imagine cantering on water! It will be like a pond with shallow water. The horses will start playing water and sometimes even lying down at this spot. Unfortunately during my visit, Bukit Beruntung did not have much rain hence the dry ground.

I asked Boy to inform me the next time Bukit Beruntung has a lot of rain. I will definitely be back to canter on water!
Overall Trail Experience
We completed our trail ride in slightly more than 1 hour. It is a huge track but we completed it in relatively short amount of time. Largely because we spent a lot of time cantering.
Generally, the trail has wide even ground but not lacking of slopes for uphill canter and downhill canter. The trail is one of the most satisfying trails I ever had. Best part is, Boy adjusts his riding speed according to the rider’s’ ability to ride to gain the most rewarding experience.
I go riding every weekend. Sometimes I get muscular pain and sometimes I don’t. This outride track is one of those that gave me a bad muscle stiffness from shoulder till lower back. It took me a few days to recover. It is one of those tracks that are pretty challenging to canter. Of course, if you prefer to have a smoother trail ride, you can always opt to walk and trot in the trail.
Back to Stable
Here are few more photos in the stable. Decorations in the stable.
In the stable, Muhammad proudly display his Level 1 Coach certification. Below it, the schedule for horse riding activities.
And of course, you can give the horses a carrot treat for just RM1 😉
The gears are organized neatly in the office.
Student having riding lesson in the arena.
Here are some of the activities Empayar Sunnah Archery and Riding Club (ESAR) offers. This is by far the most affordable fee you can find in town.
The affordable fee does not compromise on your riding experience at all. You get well trained horses and great coaches. It is definitely the most value for money riding school I have seen so far.
The stable and the paddock is a bit of distance from each other.
Please contact Boy (018-918 8871) if you are visiting Empayar Sunnah Archery and Riding Club (ESAR).
You can also follow Empayar Sunnah Archery and Riding Club Facebook page. In the Facebook page, the location will point you to their paddock where the training happens. The following map points you to their stable, which is about 200 meter away from each other.