AS Equestrian Centre is located in Lenggeng, Negeri Sembilan. It might sound far from KL but it is only right after Selangor and Negeri Sembilan border. On a Sunday morning, it is about 30 minutes drive from where I stay (Kajang).

The road lead to AS Equestrian Centre is not a big road, you might want to drive slowly upon nearing to avoid missing the entrance.
Parking is on the left upon entering.
Upon entering, you will see impressive landscape. In fact, this is the most well-decorated riding school I have visited so far.
Extra spaces for riding students and visitors to chill out.
The owner is also running Homestay Rawa at the same place. It makes the perfect location for foreign horse riders to come to Malaysia for a ride.
Common dining area for homestay visitors.
There are about 8 horses sitting (and sleeping) at the back of the stables.
It was about 8.15 AM when I arrived. This horse must have a late party last night!
The gears for horses are well organized.
If you are here for a visit, you can buy some carrots to feed the lovely horses too. Each pack of carrot is selling for RM2.00.
Oh wait… AS Equestrian Centre is also keeping some extra pets!
I was probably a little too early. When I arrived the horses are not ready for action yet. But that gave me some extra time to chit chat with the guide, Aqil while he was grooming the horses.
Aqil – the man behind AS Equestrian Centre

Aqil is a Level 1 Coach, graduated from Melbourne, Australia. For those who are not familiar with horse riding coaching program, being a Level 1 Coach is pretty impressive. I have met many “coaches” in Malaysia who are not officially certified.
Aqil is a really friendly guy who is happy to share his experience. He shared with me his exciting experience on how he tamed Marco. Marco was a really aggressive horse and did not like any trainer since young. He thrown all trainer down whenever a trainer tried to ride on him. In fact, one of the trainers got his arm broken while trying to tame Marco. When came to Aqil’s turn to test on Marco, Aqil practically tied himself up with Marco while trying to tame him. Marco tried to throw Aqil off for half an hour but with no luck. To make a long story short, eventually Marco submitted to the macho Aqil and started their amazing training journey together.
Trail Ride
Aqil got me another horse, Cross Bell. We went on to some warm up in the paddock before heading out to our trail ride.
Cross Bell is a very responsive horse. I could make transition into trot and canter by tapping on his shoulder lightly.

The trail here is slightly short compared to some other trails I ride usually. However, this trail has a lot of long up-hill road. That gave us plenty of opportunity to canter uphill which is pretty amazing experience altogether.
At the top of the trail, we arrived to a hill with MAGNIFICENT view. At one point, we could even view Seremban, Cheras/Kajang, and Broga Hill all together from the same spot!
The whole trail ride took us about 45 minutes. We probably spent a lot of time cantering on our way in and took a shorter route to come back. Generally, it was a pleasant trail ride with Aqil. I’m surely going back for another trail ride!
Upon coming back, Aqil right away started his training with his regular students.
Riding School in AS Equestrian Centre
I met one of the parents who sent his kids to train with Aqil. The father has been very satisfied with Aqil’s coaching. A lot of riding schools in Malaysia do not take kids below 10 years old. Aqil is not your typical coach that follows by the book. He is delighted to train your little ones individually. I observed that he was really nurturing and patient with the younger riders.

If you want to give AS Equestrian Centre a visit, here is the location.
The person in charge for the site is Pn. Saadiah (019-354 4472). She is very easily accessible through phone or you could simply drop her a message in WhatsApp.
That looks amazing. Thank you for your information. I tried to google about AS Equestrian Centre but didnt manage to find more information about it.
You are welcome
May I know can we do birthday party there?
27th May 2023
Hi Zarina, you can contact Aqil at +60 17-620 0027. Have fun!