Oasis Stable

Oasis Stable

Oasis Stable is a new stable located in Semenyih, Selangor.

This latest addition adds more riding facilities in Semenyih on top of the existing 2 stables: Kesuma Stable and Saville Equestrian Park.

The exterior of the Oasis Stable with combination of brick design.

Oasis Stable - exterior

The interior of the stable.

Oasis Stable - interior

Kitty posing with her horse, Yasna before heading out.

Oasis Stable - Kitty

Faizal, the stable trainer and our trail leader was helping Kitty with mounting on the horse.

The fenceless open area right next to the stable for warming up the horses.

Oasis Stable - arena

After a short warm up for about 5-10 min, we headed off to the trail.

After exiting the stable, there is a short stretch of tar road before hitting the trail.

Faizal, a very experienced endurance rider is riding his own Arabian, Laura leading us into the trail.

Oasis Stable - Faizal

Into the trail in the palm oil estate.

After approximately 10km, we passed by Eco Masjectic signage along Kajang Seremban Highway.

Wefie with Faizal.

Oasis Stable - Faizal, Kitty, Daniel

Fikri came along with the new ATV.

Oasis Stable - crew

Heading out to exit the trail.

Thumbs up for Oasis Stable trail.

On our way back. Please slow down at speed bump.

Arriving at the stable. The entrance is a little steep.

Oasis Stable - entrance

Clearing off the mud from the trail for the freshly minted ATV.

Photo with Kitty before dismounting.

The crew is thoughtful enough to prepare Spritzer mineral water for us. A+ for hospitality.

The tack room with colorful endurance saddles and bridle sets.

Oasis Stable - saddle

Girth are hang outside for drying after earlier use.

Sawdust bedding for the horse.

Hello horsey!

Oasis Stable - horses

Khai, the friendly admin who handles the booking.

Oasis Stable - Khai

We spent approximately 2 hours to cover 17km.

More Information on Oasis Stable

For more information, please contact Khai at +60 17-917 4550 or follow her TikTok account.

When you get to Lorong Pak Lanau, you need to drive further up and Oasis Stable will be on your left.

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