It’s been almost 2 months since I last ride in Paya Indah Wetlands, Dengkil.
This time I got Negro (again), the black mighty horse. Athirah booked Langkaputra for me. Unfortunately Langkaputra has its shoes removed and yet to put back. The only horses with their shoes on are Negro and Kate.
Nazirul (Naz) was my trail ride guide. He is a passionate young horseman. He has been playing with horse riding since young age. It is pretty pleasant to talk to Naz. We talked about horses in the stable and also some of Naz’s education background.
Naz got Kate and I got Negro. We head out to our trail ride at 8.30AM.
Trail Ride @ Paya Indah Wetlands, Dengkil
The view at the entrance of the trail.

Slightly after the trail ride entrance, we walk through a short stretch palm oil trees to warm up the horses.

I like part of the trail as it is surrounded by peaceful lakes. The ground is covered by dried brown leaves. We can see long stretch of green ahead of us. It feels like the scene in Korean drama.

Naz leads the way trotting to get the horses hotter.

Naz makes a turn so we could get deeper into the trail.

As the place name Paya Indah Wetlands suggests, this place is surrounded by both big and small lakes. In retrospective, I image it will be a really peaceful time if I stop by to appreciate the calmness of water by the lake. Perhaps that’s exactly what I should do the next time I come again.

We walk on big open ground in the trail.

Another lake in the trail. This lake definitely looks deeper than all the other lakes.

While we were walking through the trail, Kate suddenly stopped walking. Usually that means the horse is answering the call of nature. Naz was checking Kate’s back to see if she is doing her business. However, this time she is not. For some reason, Kate just decided to stand there for a little while.

Naz asks me to go ahead cantering as there is long straight path ahead. Naz is giving me direction where should I make a turn when we get to the junction.

The junction that Naz mentioned earlier. Go straight ahead is to go back to stable. Turn left to get deeper into the trail.

Along the trail, we saw an abandoned boat.

At the end of our trail, we make a u-turn to go back.

The short grasses and wide flat ground give a sense of peacefulness.

This is a typical view you can find throughout the trail.

Back to stable
On our way back, we walked passed tar road. There were some cyclists cycling at Paya Indah Wetlands.

There were also some kids with their parents. There were screaming “Horse! Horse!” in excitement from far. I slowly walked Negro near them for them to see the horse up close. Ironically, when I walked near them, they were afraid to get closer to the horse and hide behind their parents. I asked if they (the parents) want to take a photo and they politely rejected. I wonder if the parents were scared too. Hey, it is a horse, not a T. Rex, ROAR! 😀
Kate is munching grasses on the ground.

Negro having a feast! He has been eating non stop since the last 15 minutes. Now you know where does the phrase “eat like a horse” come from!

Trail Ride Experience in Paya Indah Wetlands.
The last time I got Negro, I was having a little difficulty to ride his canter. This time, his canter was pretty easy to ride.
Naz said he has been doing some training with Negro. He trains Negro to canter in a small circle to make his canter less bumpy. This might be the reason; or perhaps since the last ride, I got more used to Negro’s big stride; or maybe a little of both.
Generally it was fairly relax ride in Paya Indah Wetlands. The trail is clean. There are plenty of long stretch of flat ground to canter. In short, this trail is nice and easy to ride. If you are new to trail ride, this trail is highly recommended.
If you want to do a similar trail ride in Paya Indah Wetlands, please contact the lovely administrator, Athirah (014-5189147) to arrange a time slot for you.