Vistapolo Equestrian is located in Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam, approximately 40km from KL city center.
I typically go for a trail ride on Sunday morning because the traffic is super clear. It took me less than 1 hour to arrive Vistapolo Equestrian from Kajang.
The Stable in Vistapolo Equestrian
The stable in Vistapolo Equestrian is surprisingly big. The stable operation is built on top of a big piece of land. There are enough boxes to home 40 horses, although currently they only have 18 horses in the stable for various activities.

When I arrived, Fendi came to greet me and got me to wait for a while, while he prepares the horses.
Fendi preparing Ashante, a beautiful white horse although might get scared easily.
Another groomer was preparing my horse, Lym, a solid endurance horse which has completed 80KM.
Lym is one of the best horses I have ridden so far. He is super responsive to my signal. I didn’t even need to carry a whip during the trail ride. One light touch on the leg will get him into trotting. Releasing the reins a little and few more kisses sound will get him into slow canter. From there, all I have to do is to hold him back from cantering too fast. Totally awesome horse!
Trail Ride
Here is a trail ride video with Fendi.
Another groomer, Doha followed us along on a bike. He asked for my phone to capture some really fantastic video and photos along our ride. Thanks Doha!
We head out to the trail passing a long stretch of tar road. Of course we try to walk on grass whenever possible.
The entrance of the trail.
We passed by a lake on our way in.
Fendi trotting in front and I followed closely behind.
We make an entry to the long stretch of red earth path.
I shifted gear into canter to overtake Fendi. Yeeeeeehar~
From there on, it is a fairly long stretch of path for me to canter on. If you are into cantering, this is the best place I have visited so far for cantering. I probably spent 10-15 minutes non stop cantering on this path.
We took a break to let the horses walk. In this stretch of the path, I have a good long chat with Fendi on endurance competition.
We move on to canter on the remaining path
At the end of this path we passed by RimBayu project by IJM.

After that we walked along a tar road to get back to stable
Back to Stable
We head back to stable in about 1 hour time.
Kak Nuri walking her horse.

The hospitality of Vistapolo Equestrian totally impressed me. The staffs even brought nasi lemak and drinks for the riders. This is the first stable I have encountered that serve refreshment. Although the refreshment doesn’t cost a lot of money, it’s the thought that counts!
Kak Nuri was cutting cake for me. Thanks Kak Nuri!
This stable really gives a sense of belonging with the warm hospitality.
The horses took a shower after the trail ride.
Further Details
These are the activities offered by Vistapolo Equestrian.

If you want to find out more about Vistapolo Equestrian, please contact Kak Zah (019-6627144) or Kak Nuri (019-2408184).
You can also check out Vistapolo Equestrian webpage here.
Here is the location if you are planning to go for a visit.
Until next time!
For the horse riding class, do we get a certificate after completing all the sessions?
Hi… Is this riding school still in operation? The website and Facebook seemed to be out of date