Agrofarm Love & Respect Sanctuary is located in Desaru, Johor. The facility is in Tanjung Sedili owned by Dato Ashraf Bakar.
Murshidah and Zeal collaborated with the owner to jointly manage the stables that has 5 ex race horses that he re-homed.

Empty spaces outside of the stable for grazing.

The concrete container for feeding is thoughtful and practical to keep the stables clean.

Hello neighbour!

The simple and well-equipped tack room for basic riding.

Tiger is allocated for me for the trail ride.

The trail lead, Fawad Ali used lead rope with a special tie to also serve as martingale to prevent Tiger’s head from pulling up too much.
Fawad led the trail with another horse, Beauty.

Steering Tiger with lead rope instead of normal rein.

There are plenty of straight and clear path along the trail.

The hill that we head to has a lot of greens to offer.

Posing with Tiger on the hill while Tiger getting a quick bite.

We spent some time riding around the hill and enjoyed the wonderful scenery.
Tiger has a beautiful round neck when he is relaxing.

Turning back after we enjoyed a fair bit of cantering around the hill.

On our way back, we rode passed another farm.

Arriving back to the stable. Fawad untacked Beauty while the groomer, while Ishaq untacked Tiger for me.

Tiger was left outside for grazing after the trail ride.

Tiger has a special bonding with Murshidah. They are totally enjoying each other’s companion.

A group photo of Tiger with Zeal & Murshidah’s family and Fawad.

More Information on Agrofarm Love & Respect Sanctuary
Agrofarm Love & Respect Sanctuary social impact is to rehome ex race horses and give them a 2nd chance in life. The horses can be used for basic riding lessons, joyrides, trail ride and therapy.
For more information, please contact Zeal at +60 17-618 8445 or Murshidah at +60 19-607 3155 to book your ride, or visit their Instagram.
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